A Complimentary Index to Classical Caries Indices,

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A Complimentary Index to Classical Caries Indices, SAIMA Y. KHAN and MAHENDRA K. JINDAL


Objectives: To validate the PUFA/pufa index and to assess the prevalence and severity of oral conditions related to untreated dental caries.
Methods: Pufa index records the presence of pulpal exposure (P/p), ulceration caused by sharp edges of dislodged tooth fragments (U/u), fistula (F/f) and abscess (A/a) formation in grossly decayed teeth.
Results: Good Kappa values shows reliability of the index. The prevalence of PUFA/pufa was 0.01% and 86.8% for 6- year old and 50% and 32.9% for 12-year old respectively. In 6 and 12-year old, 74.9% and 74.5% of decayed teeth had progressed to odontogenic infections.
Conclusions: PUFA/pufa index provides a true picture to the prevailing and often ignored oral condition.


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