Recurrent Lumbar Disc Herniation; Clinical Outcome Over A Four Years Follow-up for Revision by Fenestration Discectomy in Iraq,

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Recurrent Lumbar Disc Herniation; Clinical Outcome Over A Four Years Follow-up for Revision by Fenestration Discectomy in Iraq, MOUSA I. AL-GHAZALI


Background: There are many surgical techniques for the treatment of recurrent lumbar disc herniation. This study is to determine the functional outcome after fenestration discec-tomy for recurrent lumbar disc herniation.
Patients and Methods: Eighteen patients who had recurrent lumbar disc herniation with classical clinical and MRI findings were included had undergone fenestration lumbar discectomy between April 2007 and March 2011. Outcome were evaluated using the criteria of the JOA (Japanese Orthopedic Association's evaluation system for low-back pain syndrome) score.
Results: The average Hirabayashi improvement percentage in JOA at follow-up was (86.38%). After the revision operation, their scores significantly increased from 9.2±2.3 preoperatively to 24.08±2.91 postoperatively at the final follow-up. The difference was found to be statistically significant (p<0.01).
Conclusion: Satisfactory results obtained by fenestration discectomy for patients with recurrent lumbar disc herniation without any other spine pathology. The results were encour-aging and promising and revision surgery should be performed by senior surgeon with best possible preoperative investiga-tions.


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