Hepatocyte-Derived MicroRNAS as Serum Predictors ofRejection of Liver Transplantation

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Hepatocyte-Derived MicroRNAS as Serum Predictors ofRejection of Liver Transplantation, OLFAT G. SHAKER, AMAL R. EL-SHEHABY, AMR A. ZAHRA, OMAYMA O. ABD EL-ALEEM and AYMAN YOUSRY


Background: Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) is the most common type of liver cancer. Liver transplantation is a lifesaving and effective treatment of end-stage liver failure. However transplant recipients can suffer from serious side effects of long-term immunosuppression and they can lose their allografts because of rejection.
Aim of the Work: Our aim is to evaluate the value of serum miR-122, miR-194 and miR-148a as predictors of rejection of liver transplantation.
Subjects and Methods: Blood samples were taken from 30 HCC patients who prepared to liver transplantation process. Also 50 blood samples from controls were taken. Serum was separated for detection of: MiR-122, miR-194 and miR-148a by real time RT-PCR.
Results: There was significant difference between rejected and non-rejected patients as regards the mean values of miR-122 and miR-148a [(p=0.001) and (p=0.027) respectively].
Conclusion: MiR-122 and miR-148a can be used as predictors of rejection of liver transplantation.


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