Assessment of Nutritional Learning Need of the Mother during Postpartum Period

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Assessment of Nutritional Learning Need of the Mother during Postpartum Period, BASMA S. MAHMOUD, GEHAN I. GHONEMY and MAGDA A. FAWAZ


Healthy nutrition is one aspect of health promotion to the women through a different phase of life. The reproductive health approach places emphasis on the life cycle perspective, from infancy through adolescence, as well as, during and after pregnancy to ensure a good health for both mothers and their newborn.
Design: A descriptive exploratory research design was adopted for this study.
Aim of the Study: To assess the nutritional learning needs of postpartum women.
Setting: The study conducted at the postpartum unit at Maternity University Hospital, Cairo Governorate.
Sample: A convenient sample of 500 postpartum mothers were selected after admission to the postpartum unit according to certain criteria. A structured interviewing tool was used to collect the data.
Results: Of the current research reveal that more than one half (60%) of sample their age ranges between 20-30 years, 41 % of them had received secondary school education, 54.4% of the sample residence in urban area. Ninety six point four of sample were housewives and 52.8% of the sample had income/month less than 800 pound. Regarding obstetric profile of the sample, 41.6% of the sample delivered by vaginal delivery compared to 58.4% of them by CS,75% were multi-paras and 25% were primiparous. Eighty three point six percent of the sample report their need to know what type of food that not allowed during postpartum, (76.4%) of the sample mentioned that types of food allowed during postpartum period compared to 56.1 % of the sample reported their need to know what types of food that can’t increase their weight as well as, not affect the quantity of milk production.
Conclusion and Recommendations: Maternal concern related to nutritional needs should be discussed with the mothers before they discharged from the hospital to promote their wellbeing as well as for newborn. Nutritional education for postpartum mothers should be propagated by mass media with the widest possible coverage. Raise awareness of post
partum women related to proper and needed nutrition through counseling.


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