Assessment of Laryngeal Ultrasound Feasibility in Evaluating Subglottic Stenosis

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Assessment of Laryngeal Ultrasound Feasibility in Evaluating Subglottic Stenosis, MOHAMMAD W. EL-ANWAR, HAZEM S. AMER, ISLAM R. HERZALLAH and KHALED M. EL-GERBY


Objective: The study was conducted to assess the feasi-bility laryngeal ultrasound in evaluation of subglottic stenosis as regard diameter, length and nature of the stenotic segment.
Subjects and Methods: This study included 26 patients with age ranging from 17 to 58 years, who had subglottic stenosis diagnosed by endoscopy and computed tomography (CT). The relationship between superficial laryngeal ultra-sonography (US) and endoscopic grading of subglottic stenosis (as regard diameter) and CT grading (as regard length) were assessed. In 13 cases that required surgical intervention, the tissue nature of the stenotic segment was assessed both by US and direct endoscopy. US, CT and fibreoptic endoscopic evaluations were also performed for ten controls.
Results: The same grade score was interpreted in US and endoscopy in 23/26 patients (88.5%). The grading score by US as regard length was the same that has been interpreted by CT in 21/26 (80.7%). The nature of the stenotic segment was found to be the same in 12 out of those 13 operated patient (92.3%).
Conclusion: Superficial laryngeal US is a reliable, safe, non invasive diagnostic imaging tool to evaluate diameter, length, and nature of subglottic stenosis.

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