Acoustic and Aerodynamic Analysis of Tracheoesophageal Speech after Total Laryngectomy

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Acoustic and Aerodynamic Analysis of Tracheoesophageal Speech after Total Laryngectomy, MOHAMED M. EL-SAWY and RANA A. KHALIFA


Objectives/Hypothesis: The purposes of the study were to determine the acoustic and aerodynamic measurements of voice of the patients underwent primary tracheoesophageal voice prosthesis (TEP) after total laryngectomy (TL).
Patients and Methods: From May 2007 to July 2011, 16 male patients presented with advanced laryngeal tumor at Al Hussein University Hospital underwent TL and primary TEP participate in this study, no secondary TEP was done. All patients who underwent acoustic and aerodynamics study were at least 6 months of the postoperative period. Voice recording was carried out by using the Mutli-Dimentional Voice Program, Kay Elemetrics corp. using the software option for Muti-Speech. The following acoustic measurement param-eters were used in this study: Fundamental frequency, intensity, the Jitter and Shimmer. In addition, aerodynamics measures in the form of maximum phonation time (MPT). Computer analysis compared fundamental frequency, intensity, Jitter, and Shimmer with a male control group that had normal larynxes, and no complaints about voice. Statistics were done by computer using Instat-ANOVA.
Results: Among the TL/TEP speaker, average fundamental frequency was statistically significantly lower than normal. The mean of the average fundamental frequency 107.05±  49.968 SD with range between 71.448Hz and 226.24Hz. Intensity was lower than normal, but not statistically significant. The mean was 59.156±5.209 SD with range between 47.59dB and 69.16dB. Jitter was high and statistically significant comparing to the normal. The mean of the jitter was 6.338±  5.481 SD with range between 0.5800 and 22.129. Shimmer was high and statistically significant comparing to the normal. The mean of the shimmer was 1.889±0.9537 SD with range between 0.1770 and 3.484. MPT was lower and statistically significant when compared to the normal. The mean was 10.494±3.887 SD with range between 5.130 seconds and 17.020 seconds.
Conclusion: In conclusion, TEP has improved speech quality after TL and it is now, the method of choice for many patients and physicians. Compared with other methods of communications, a higher number of patients achieve an
acceptable voice, enabling them to communicate under virtually all social circumstances. Finally, this study will encourage the authors for future researches on acoustic analysis of different method of voice rehabilitations after treatment of laryngeal tumors and with other researches in different insti-tutions.


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